Impartiality Policy

The purpose of this policy is to affirm RCS International's commitment to impartiality in all aspects of our inspection activities. This policy serves as a foundation for instilling confidence in our clients, stakeholders, and the public, ensuring that our inspection services are conducted with integrity and fairness.


Objectivity : RCS is committed to conducting inspections with objectivity, free from any bias or undue influence. Our inspections are based on factual evidence and impartial judgment.
Fairness: We ensure fairness in our inspection processes, treating all clients and inspected entities equally, without discrimination or favoritism.
Independence: RCS maintains independence in decision-making and actions, avoiding conflicts of interest that could compromise impartiality.

Measure to Ensure Impartiality:

Organisational Structure:  RCS International establishes and maintains an organizational structure that safeguards impartiality. The roles and responsibilities of personnel are clearly defined, ensuring a separation of functions to prevent conflicts of interest.
Decision Making Process: Decision-making in inspection activities is based on objective evidence and free from any commercial, financial, or other pressures. RCS establishes and follows transparent decision-making processes to ensure impartiality.
Management of Conflict of Interest:  All personnel are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect impartiality. RCS has mechanisms in place to assess and manage conflicts of interest to prevent their impact on inspection activities.
Communication and Transparency: RCS communicates openly about its commitment to impartiality to clients, stakeholders, and the public. Information about the inspection process, including criteria, procedures, and results, is shared transparently.
Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:  RCS establishes processes for continuous monitoring of its inspection activities to detect and address any potential threats to impartiality. The organization is committed to ongoing improvement in its processes to enhance and reinforce impartiality.


RCS ensures the confidentiality of all information obtained during the inspection process. Information related to inspected entities, clients, and their operations is handled with the utmost care to maintain trust and impartiality.


RCS complies with relevant international standards, guidelines, and legal requirements related to impartiality in inspection activities.

Training and Awareness

Personnel at all levels receive training on the importance of impartiality and are aware of their role in upholding this policy. Regular training programs are conducted to keep personnel informed about potential threats to impartiality and methods to mitigate them.


The top management team at RCS assumes responsibility for the implementation, communication, and monitoring of this Impartiality Policy. All personnel are responsible for upholding the principles of impartiality in their roles and reporting any concerns about potential threats to impartiality.